Dr Phil Without His Mustache?!

Some things you just can’t un-see… Dr. Phil without his mustache is definitely one of those things? Back in April the daytime TV host posted a photo of himself sporting a freshly lathered up mustache, while holding a razor blade up. The caption read “Well… I did it.” To our surprise the next photo in his post was… [ continue reading below ]

We wonder what Dr. Phil will look like without with this new look?

The Photo of Dr. Phil With NO Mustache!

This is quite the site. Could you have ever imagined Dr. Phil without his most recognizable celebrity feature?… (well aside from the confidently worn bald dome.) I would have never thought that this would be something that we would be able to witness in this universe. So it seems that, yes indeed as in his own words “he did it!” But you see the reason that Dr. Phil decided to post this onto his Instagram is rather interesting. Here is why he did this.

Dr. Phill With Mustache Shaved
This is something you can’t unsee.

Why Would Dr. Phil do This?

So what made the daytime host remove a part of his look that we have all gown to know him by? See, Although Dr. Phil is serious on his hit TV show, in real life he is a bit of a jokester. He took to Instagram on April 1st… Needles to say, this was merely and April fools joke! Now we can all now wake up from this twilight zone of a dream! Yes – it was just a very well photoshopped image of Dr. Phil. Good one Doc!

Where you fooled?

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Well… I did it.

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